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Case Study


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Project Overview

Amazon wanted to make sure that they stayed connected to their "Amazonians" and wanted a better way of gaining feedback form staff on internal operations. 

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Amazon had just built a new building in the heart of Shoreditch. We were tasked with the challenge of creating a compelling platform for the Amazonians. They wanted us to create a web platform that they could use to create news stories and integrate their social media all in one web place. We also created the digital motion menu boards for the best eye catching engagement. We created a platform so that the staff could easily manage the platform with no further development costs.


Brand Strategy

Graphic Design

Website Design

Website Development

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Strategy & Approach

We created a web platform that allowed the internal team to post social events and other internal tasks, it also let "Amazonians" suggest new ideas to management. We wanted to make the flow as easy and familiar to people as possible though still immersive from the first seconds. In present day the website is a better way of informing them on the latest ways the company is supporting them. 

The Result

The location where we implemented the web platform reported an increase in happy Amazonians by 15% and also won an internal award for innovation 2 years in a row. At the end of the day most importantly, creating a platform that helps businesses keep their staff informed and in the loop of what's happening has been the highest reward of all.

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