10 tips to improve your website design in 2023

Andrew bond founder of Bond Design & Co
Andrew Bond
November 20, 2022
3 mins


We've all heard the saying, "Content is king." And while that's true, it's also important to make sure that your site has a beautiful design. In this post, we'll take a look at 10 simple ways you can improve your website's design without having to hire an expensive agency or designer. By implementing these tips into your projects today, you'll ensure that your site will be ready for any trends in 2023!

1. Don't be afraid to write long copy.

A lot of people think long copy is a thing of the past, but that’s not true. When it comes to building your brand and making sales, long copy can be very effective. In fact, it's one of the best ways to convert visitors into buyers.

Long copy gives you the opportunity to tell your story in detail, which helps users understand who you are and what you do. This makes it easier for them to relate with your content and see why they should become customers or clients of yours! If done right, long-form copy can also help improve SEO on a website too: Google loves content that’s high in quality and length because this means there's more information available for users looking for answers online—and when these users find valuable material like yours then they'll end up sticking around longer as well! Plus having an abundance of text means that search engines such as Google will crawl through every single word before deciding whether or not this page deserves top billing over another one; so if there aren't any spelling mistakes then readers will trust what they're reading more easily than ever before."

2. Design a site that's cohesive and follows a pattern.

Design your website with a theme in mind. Think about what you want your website to say about you and the image that you want to project. Then, stick with a consistent color palette, layout, font family and size throughout the site. Finally, use a similar header style across all pages of your site so it feels like one cohesive whole rather than a disjointed collection of pages."

3. Remove the clutter on your pages.

  • Remove the clutter on your pages.
  • Remove all unnecessary elements
  • Remove all content that is not relevant to your site
  • Remove all elements that are not required for the site to function
  • Remove all elements that are not needed for the site to look good

4. Write with personality while being professional.

Writing style is a tough one to master. It's easy to fall into the trap of either being too formal, or too casual and informal. For instance, don't use slang or jargon that your target audience may not understand. Also, be careful with exclamation points! You can have too many of them and end up sounding like an excited teenager rather than a professional businessperson.

When you're writing for your site, think about how much personality you want to give off—you want to convey professionalism but also show some personality so people will know who you are as a brand.

5. Use colour psychology to your advantage.

At a glance, colour can make or break your website design. Colour psychology is the study of how colours affect our mood and behavior; it's important to select colors that support the message you want to convey. You should also use colours that are consistent with your brand identity and reflect the emotions you want to evoke when visitors visit your site. For example, if you're trying to convey an atmosphere of tranquility, you might choose warm tones like golden yellow or sea green. On the other hand, if you want readers' attention focused on certain types of content (such as articles), then it may be best not to use contrasting reds and oranges because they'll distract from what matters most—that fantastic article!

It's also worth noting which typeface(s) go well with each colour scheme: serif fonts work well for elegant designs while sans-serif fonts look more modern; bold typography can add drama while thin fonts are better suited for subtlety; script fonts give off romantic vibes while rounded sans-serifs seem friendlier than squared-off ones do...

6. Think outside of the box.

When it comes to website design, there are a lot of different tools you can use to create a visually appealing website. Just because you're looking for something new doesn't mean that you have to abandon your current strategy and start from scratch. Instead, think outside of the box when it comes to using these tools in new ways:

  • Grid system. Using a grid system is an easy way to create consistency throughout your site and make sure that elements are spaced evenly throughout each page. You can use one for all layouts or just specific sections like headers and footers.
  • Content management system (CMS). CMS platforms like WordPress are already popular in web design because they allow users with no coding experience build their own sites from scratch — without having any knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript! Even if they don't know how those languages work yet, they'll still end up learning them through using this software package anyway...which means being able to do even more awesome things with your site down the road!
  • Web design tool(s). If using CMS platforms isn't right for everyone then perhaps another option would be using some type of web design tool instead? Think about all different types out there: desktop apps like Adobe XD , browser extensions such as Adobe Shape CC , mobile apps like InVision Studio , etc.,

7. Make sure your site is accessible.

When it comes to web design, accessibility is paramount. It's not enough to have a website that looks good on any device; you need to make sure that your site is fully accessible for everyone—including people who are blind or visually impaired.

Fortunately, there are plenty of tools online that can help you test the accessibility of your content and design. One of the easiest is called "screen reader," which reads aloud all of the text on a page with no images or formatting present (this helps screen readers better understand what they're reading). If there's anything in your website design that would hinder an individual who uses a screen reader from being able to use it properly, then chances are you've got some work ahead of you!

8. Be consistent in all you do.

When it comes to consistency in design, there are a few things you should be aware of.

  • Use colour consistently across your brand and website
  • Keep fonts and font sizes consistent across the site
  • Be consistent with layout on each page of the site (e.g., navigation)
  • Use an appropriate tone of voice for your brand – this is something we’ll get into later!

9. Don't forget about your photo styling.

Photo styling is the process of deciding how your photos will look on the web. It involves choosing the same font and colour for all your photos, as well as choosing a background that works well with it.

If you’re not quite sure where to start, then take a look at these tips:

  • Use consistent styling for all your photos. This means using the same typeface, colour scheme, and image size in every image. Consistency is key here—it helps make sure viewers are able to easily identify which images belong together if they see them elsewhere on the web or social media!
  • Make sure your images have sizes that suit their purpose across social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter (more on this later). Make sure you know what size(s) each platform accepts so you can avoid having to crop out important parts from an image later down the road because it doesn’t fit within those requirements!

10. Know when and how to use whitespace.

Whitespace is an important element of design in its own right, but it can also be used to enhance or complement other elements on your site. You should know when and how to use whitespace for maximum impact.

Your first consideration should be the content you're working with: does the design need some breathing room? For example, if your page has a lot going on (lots of text and images) then you probably want some space between them so they don't all become one big jumble of information. Conversely, if there's less going on—like a single image or video—then maybe there's no need for as much spacing around it.

There are also several ways that whitespace helps create balance in layouts:

  • Whitespace can be used between large blocks of text by creating margins around paragraphs; this gives readers' eyes something they can rest on while they read through each section before moving onto the next one; this technique is called white space indenting and should only be done when there are more than three paragraphs per section because otherwise it will make everything look too crowded together

These web design tips will help you create a site that will stand out in 2023!

Website design is an important part of your business, and your website should be easy to navigate, easy to read, and easy to use. It should also be easy for people to find. This article will give you some tips on how you can make this happen in 2023!

  • Make it Simple for Visitors To Find What They Need

Your website should be as simple as possible so that visitors can easily find what they need. There are a few ways that you can do this:

  • Use a navigation menu at the top or bottom of your site with links that lead directly where users want them to go
  • Use short paragraphs (3 sentences max) so there isn't too much text on each page
  • Make sure all links are blue when clicked so they stand out from other colours


As always, keep in mind that the web is constantly evolving and keeping up with those changes can be difficult. With these tips, though, you’ll be able to create a site that looks great now and will continue looking great a few years from now. If your a designer then here is an article for you how to sell web services

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